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期刊論文/Journal Papers

Funding Project
23 2024/09 Assessing Main Paths by Uncovering Their Coverage with Key-node Path Search Chung-Huei Kuan, Ssu-Yu Liao Scientometrics, 129(11), 6629–6657
MOE 112L900202
22 2024/08 Integrating Prior Field Knowledge as Key Documents with Main Path Analysis Utilizing Key-node Path Search Chung-Huei Kuan Journal of Informetrics, 18(3), 101569
MOE 113L900202
NSTC 112-2221-E-011-116-MY2
21 2024/08 我國發明專利近年之舉發實務分析 詹益華、管中徽(通訊作者) 萬國法律, 256, 16-37
20 2024/05 Dubious cross-national affiliations obscure the assessment of international research collaboration Chung-Huei Kuan, Dar-Zen Chen, Mu-Hsuan Huang Journal of Informetrics, 18(2), 101496
MOE 112L900202
19 2023/01 Does Main Path Analysis prefer longer paths? Chung-Huei Kuan Scientometrics, 128(1), 841-851
MOST 111-2634-F-002-018-
MOST 110-2221-E-011-141-
MOE 111L900204
18 2021/11 Characterizing Patent Assignees by Their Structural Positions Relative to a Field’s Evolutionary Trajectory Chung-Huei Kuan,Jia-Tian Lin, Dar-Zen Chen Journal of Informetrics, 15(4)
MOST 110-2634-F-002-045-
MOST 110-2221-E-011-141-
MOE 110L900204
17 2021/10 使用語法「手段」之日本請求項於我國申請專利時被判定為手段功能用語之研究 吳凱智、管中徽(通訊作者) 專利師, 47, 37-63
16 2020/07 以專利分析探討局部放電檢測技術的發展與未來台灣發展方向 張建國、管中徽、林瑞珠、賴佳駿 專利師, 42, 54-67
15 2020/04 Regarding weight assignment algorithms of Main Path Analysis and the conversion of arc weights to node weights Chung-Huei Kuan Scientometrics, 124(1)
MOST 106-2221-E-011-105-, 108-2221-E-011-053-, 108-3017-F-002-003-
MOE 108L900204
14 2020/02 The Overlooked Citations: Investigating the Impact of Ignoring Citations to Published Patent Applications Chung-Huei Kuan,
Mu-Hsuan Huang,
Dar-Zen Chen
Journal of Informetrics, 14(1)
MOST 102-2221-E-011-051-,108-3017-F-002-003-
MOE 108L900204
13 2019/11 Bibliographically Coupled Patents: Their Temporal Pattern and Combined Relevance Chung-Huei Kuan,
Mu-Hsuan Huang,
Dar-Zen Chen
Journal of Informetrics, 13(4)
MOST 108-2221-E-011-053-, 108-3017-F-002-003-
MOE 108L900204
12 2019/09 我國發展地熱發電之探勘階段法規調適研究 林瑞珠、管中徽(通訊作者)、沈政雄、朱丹丹 臺灣能源期刊, 6(3), 207-221
MOST 107-2627-M-007-008-
11 2019/02 國外政府與國際組織因應能源與環境政策之橋接與溝通機制研究 林瑞珠、管中徽(通訊作者)、
科技法律透析, 31(2), 49-72 MOST 107-3113-F-011-001-
10 2018/02 Missing links: Timing characteristics and their implications for capturing contemporaneous technological developments Chung-Huei Kuan,
Mu-Hsuan Huang,
Dar-Zen Chen
Journal of Informetrics, 12(1), 259-270
9 2016/04 Torn between Academic Publications and University-Industry Collaboration Mei Ho,
John S. Liu,
Chung-Huei Kuan
Research Evaluation, 25(2), 151–160
8 2016/02 A new approach for the main path analysis: Decay in knowledge diffusion John S. Liu,
Chung-Huei Kuan
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 67(2), 465–476
MOST 102-2410-H-011-008-MY3
7 2013/08 Capturing and tracking performance of patent portfolio using h-complement area centroid Kuan, C.-H.,
Huang, M.-H.
Chen, D.-Z.
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 60(3), 496–505
6 2013/04 Cross-field evaluation of publications of research institutes using their contributions to the fields’ MVPs determined by h-index Kuan, C.-H., Huang, M.-H. & Chen, D.-Z. Journal of Informetrics, 7(2), 455–468
5 2012/04 A two-dimensional approach to performance evaluation for a large number of research institutions Kuan, C.-H., Huang, M.-H. & Chen, D.-Z. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 63(4), 817–828
4 2011/11 Photovoltaic technology development: A perspective?from patent growth analysis Liu, J. S., Kuan, C.-H., Cha, S.-C., Chuang, W.-L., Gau, G. J., Jeng, J.-Y. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 95(11), 3130–3136
NSC 96-3011-P-011-002
3 2011/10 Positioning research and innovation performance using shape centroids of //h//-core and //h//-tail Kuan, C.-H., Huang, M.-H. & Chen, D.-Z. Journal of Informetrics, 5(4), 515-528
2 2011/04 Ranking patent assignee performance by h-index and shape descriptors Kuan, C.-H., Huang, M.-H. & Chen, D.-Z. Journal of Informetrics, 5(2), 303-312
1 2006/06 專利代理人的利益衝突與保密義務 管中徽 智慧財產權, 90, 39-56
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